I am the perfect mix between a morning person and a night owl.
It all depends on the day as to whether or not you can find me wide-awake at 2:00 a.m. with thoughts of being productive or sleeping soundly at 9:30 p.m., ready for an early morning. But regardless of whether or not I go to sleep in early evening or don't fall asleep until midnight, I can almost never sleep past 6:00 a.m. when I'm at home. On summer mornings, Matthew gets up and around and off to work by 5:45. I sometimes lie there for a few minutes, trying to nod back off, but usually I wake up and turn the Keurig on right away.
I have found that on the mornings where I am able to get up and spend some quiet time by myself, our days just go smoother.
I am able to spend some time in the peaceful morning reflecting on the day before and preparing for the day to come. On the deck, I run through our schedule for the day. I make my mental "to do" list and think about events we have on the calendar. When I come inside, I get right down to business in the office with my faith planner.
I am trying to be very strategic and intentional in my prayer life and one thing that helps me to stick to this plan is to write out my prayers and read them out loud every morning.
I have a battle prayer for friends in their foster & adoption journey, for friends struggling in their marriage, for each of my girls and their faith and witness to others, for my mom's health, for someone we know who is dealing with addiction, and so many more... God is good. He cares about these things. It has been amazing to watch some of our battle prayers really make a difference in the lives of others. To see prayers answered. Hearts healed. Miracles happening. After my battle prayer time, I have some other "War Room" prayers that I read through daily. These include four elements: P - Praise R - Repent A - Ask Y - Yielding After I read through my "War Room" prayers for the day, I try to spend some time growing in God's Word. I do this in lots of different ways... maybe a Bible study I'm working through, a YouTube minister speaking, going over my sermon notes from the previous Sunday, a RightNowMedia video, or just opening up the Bible and reading whatever God lays on my heart. I take notes in my faith planner and add some thoughts on post-it notes that I might want to illustrate in my Bible when the girls and I get out our Bible Journaling supplies (I'll save THAT discussion for another post!).
The phrase "Rise & Shine" just speaks to me.
When I "rise" and take those first few minutes of my morning and spend them focusing on who I am in Christ, I really do "shine" through the day. As a wife. As a mom. As a teacher. As a Christian. My challenge to you is to try it this week and see if rising a little bit earlier than everyone else has the same effect on you. Happy Monday, friends. Go out there this week and shine. ☀️
I added the links above this to the faith planner I have, the movie The War Room, the book Fervent, and the "My Faith" inserts from the Reset Girl's shop.
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July 2024