When I knew I was going to be leaving the classroom at the end of last school year, I discovered that there was lots of work to be done...starting with cleaning out 13 years of teaching supplies from my classroom. I was moving from a room that housed myself, over twenty children at any given time, and years and years of classroom materials, personal belongings, and random items I had kept "just in case". As I mentioned in my blog post on Monday...usually, "just in case" never came. I started the process of getting my room emptied just as soon as school was out. I donated. I trashed. I boxed up. And I even sold a few items. By the end of June, all that was left was a pile of tubs in the middle of the room that needed to be moved down to my new office. On the afternoon of June 29th, I started the process of transforming my new office into my own.
I started to think of my office in terms of the "zones" I would need to have. I needed:
With these goals in mind, I started the process of going through every single drawer and shelf in the office. After I had been through every piece of paper and book in the office, I started to organize what was there. Finally, I decided what items I would keep from my tubs and sent the rest home or to the donate pile. When my systems were clear, I was ready to decorate. Armed with my clearance finds from Hobby Lobby and Big Lots, the transformation was complete. So without further ado...here's my farmhouse office. The new position has been all I had dreamed of and more.
I'm so thankful for God's providence and guidance over the last several years to bring me to the place I am right now. Happy Sunday night from the farmhouse, friends. ❤️🏡❤️
I am an over-thinker. I often complicate things that should be simple. I sometimes spend more time writing out a detailed and systematic to-do list than actually working on the task at hand. I have often created elaborate New Year's Resolution plans and intricate systems for managing my work- and home-life. These systems are almost always difficult to implement long-term.
Every day is a new day, full of surprises and challenges.
My work calendar has been filled up with meetings, webinars, and out-of-town conferences for the last few months. I knew this year would be an adjustment period, but to be honest...it's been pretty overwhelming. We've had some situations come up in my department that are uncharted territory for our district. We've had students transfer in and students transfer out. I've been working with and learning from several outside agencies. I've been reading several books about leadership and project management and not putting unrealistic expectations on yourself. Through my reading (and YouTube & blog exploration), I've come up with three goals for myself to really focus on from now until the end of this school year. Be intentional. There are a million things biding for my time every single day. I have some choices about what I allow to take my energy every time something new comes across my desk, across my phone or email inbox, or in front of my door. I have choices about when to say "yes" and when to say "no"...and I can assure you that when it comes to my family, the answer should always be "yes". I need to be intentional with my time, with my commitments, and with Mr. Farmhouse and the girls. Some days, this might look like closing my office door and pushing through the items that haven't gotten enough attention that week. Some days, it might look like closing whatever I'm working on at school and heading home right after school. Some days, it might look like laundry, dishes, and sweeping the kitchen floor. Being intentional is so important. Simplify. I have always been a "just in case" person. I'd better keep that piece of paper "just in case" we ever need it again (even though I could print if off the internet any time I want). I'd better save those toys and clothes in a tub in the basement "just in case" (even though I trashed boxes that hadn't been cracked open in over eleven years when we moved last summer). I've realized through the years, however, that I have hardly ever needed those "just in case" items! Thanks to the KonMari method, I pared down quite a few of our belongings right before we moved to the farmhouse. I tried to be very intentional in my decorating and purchases made when we moved in. I've tried to transfer a lot of my "paper clutter" from paper to digital copies. My complicated systems are now simple and intentional daily reminders...a checklist that I move through during my free time at home and school. Less is more. A simple and manageable system is so much more effective than an over-complicated and unattainable plan. One Day at a Time. At the end of the day, we can't be all things to all people. We WILL NOT mark every single item off of the "to do" list and even if we did, there would be more tasks tomorrow. We have to be intentional with how we spend our time each and every day. I wake up in the morning and do my Bible study, have some prayer time, and then I crack open my calendar app. I look at my list of the things that must get done that day on my Trello board and I schedule them into my little pockets of open time on my Google Calendar that used to be wasted. As I work through the day, I mark items off my list as I complete them and I move the tasks down through the day if something comes up that is a higher priority item. If I don't finish the tasks for the day, I have learned to forgive myself and move them to the following day. We can only do what we can do. We can do our very best... give our best effort... try to strive for perfection... and still we will fall short. We will never be "caught up"...but do you know what we can be? We can be present. We can wake up every morning renewed and full of purpose, ready to try again. We can be intentional and we can strive for the beauty of simplicity...one day at a time. Have a great week, friends. Love from the farmhouse, Hannah ❤🏡❤ |
July 2024