So we did. Now -- I can't complain. My brother and then his wife contracted the virus. While they did feel kind of crummy for a few days, they experienced mostly mild symptoms as they stayed at home. However, because of the dates of exposure and symptoms and all the rules & recommendations from the CDC, my niece and nephew have to quarantine until August 15th. So -- please be in prayer for them! Full disclosure here -- as a school administrator, the last six months have been a blur. I have said several times that I feel like we are living in a movie. This doesn't seem like real life, as we make decisions about how to deliver instruction to children in the safest way over the next school year. While my 10 1/2 month school-year contract officially ends on June 15th and begins again on August 1st each year, this summer there have been too many decisions to make to really take much of a break. And then...quarantine happened. Sure, I continued to work on giving input for school reopening plans and I did continue focusing on some of my school duties over the last few weeks. But I also spent many hours every single day over the last two weeks working alongside Mr. Farmhouse and the girls to complete projects that we have been planning to get to "someday".
Not being able to leave the house for two weeks isn't ideal. If we weren't in quarantine, I wouldn't have had to cancel our annual well-child checkups for the girls, piano lessons, & tutoring. Mr. Farmhouse could have been working and I wouldn't have had to miss a few in-person meetings at school. We could have allowed being stuck at home for two weeks with no symptoms to be irritating and a reason to complain. However, last night, as Mr. Farmhouse and I rode the Ranger through the field moving hot-wire for the cows, I looked around and smiled. Thank you, Lord, for this time we have had together. Thanks for slowing us down and giving us the opportunity to connect deeply before we all head off into the unknown of this school year. Thank you that my brother's family has had mild symptoms and that they have the opportunity to work from home. Just thank you, Lord. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen Back to the real world today, friends.
Sending gratitude to God from the farmhouse, Hannah ♥️🏡♥️
July 2024