After the 30 days of elimination, you begin to introduce foods back into your diet and see how they affect your body. You take notes and make observations to see how you felt physically and mentally when you added back in a specific food group.
My first few rounds were amazing. Thirty days of hardcore focus and great results. I had never felt better. I lost weight, felt less bloated, and had a clear mind. However, after that reintroduction phase, I would slowly go back to eating how I was before. I was met with fatigue, digestive issues, and just a "blah" feeling. When I got to feeling bad enough, I would do another Whole30 and reset again. Enter Food Freedom Forever. In her newest book, Melissa Hartwig talks to her readers about how to have that feeling of being able to be successful at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It all boils down to being intentional about our food choices. Keep that Whole30 "reset lifestyle" going for the majority of the time, unless you come to a food choice that you deem "worth it" for going off of the plan. Make it a special occasion. Think long and hard about your feelings in that moment. And jump confidently into your of guilt or questioning. Enjoy food! French Toast Croissants & United States Maps
Marie Kondo inspired me to simplify our possessions.
To be intentional in the items that we allow to take residence in our home. To ask ourselves if the belongings we own currently and any we purchase in the future really "spark joy" for us. Dallas & Melissa Hartwig inspired me to be intentional in my food choices. To think long and hard about whether the food items that we are putting into our bodies are really worth breaking our reset. This morning, at the Pioneer Woman Mercantile at 7:15 a.m., we broke our Whole30 reset on day 24. And it was so worth it.
So I got the Croissant French Toast and Ashley got Edna Mae's Sour Cream Pancakes.
We were extremely happy with our breakfast decision. No hard feelings. No guilt. No feeling like we had "ruined our diet" with a "cheat" or a "slip up". Nothing. Pure joy that we have the freedom to make a food decision responsibly every once in awhile. ANYway, enough about our amazing breakfast choices.
Oh yeah...I bought myself four wonderful shirts on clearance today. I love them all around! The one on the left has CAMERAS on it! Yes! Cameras!
And I also picked up a Benjamin Franklin finger puppet at the Mercantile for my third grade classroom. Who doesn't need a Ben Franklin finger puppet?
It was a great day.
It's late and I'm tired, but it was all worth it. So worth it.
July 2024