My word of the year for 2023 was supposed to be "simplify". I had decided late in 2022 that as part of my new year's goals, I was going to try to take a step back from everything that didn't matter and be very intentional about what we allowed in our home, what I allowed on my calendar, and habits I wanted to build. I announced this over on my Instagram page back on January 2nd.
On January 9th, I received some news that did NOT feel like simplifying. For five months, I would fill my current role of Director of Special Services and also fill the role of Interim Superintendent. I must admit that as I was navigating through the dual-role, there were some moments that felt very frustrating and complicated. There were days that I didn't feel as if I were making progress in either job. There were even days that I cried on my way home from work because I was feeling very overwhelmed. However, there was also laughter. There were opportunities for me to learn about myself, set goals, and connect with colleagues that I did not usually cross paths with. And as crazy as it sounds, over the last five months, God has truly taught me through this experience to simplify. Yes, I typed that correctly. Even with the addition of these new responsibilities and expectations in my job. Even with longer hours and more tasks to complete. Even with more decisions and more personal interactions and more...and more...and more...
Habits are so very important.
I've blogged several times about habits. My morning routine incorporates several habit loops and I am thankful I had this established when my life got really busy in February. When things get stressful and overwhelming, the automaticity of our habits can keep our lives feeling more stable than not. A well-established morning routine, along with an organized task management system at work, really helped me to keep my sanity as I navigated life with two jobs. We must prioritize. Yes, we need to prioritize certain activities over others. To grow spiritually, we MUST be in our Bibles. To get closer to God, we MUST pray. To get healthy, we MUST make good food choices and move our bodies. But these types of priorities are not what I'm talking about here. I'm going to be very transparent for a moment. This semester was hard. There were some moments at work where our leadership team had to make very difficult decisions, deal with unexpected conflict, and say hard things. There were some struggles within the school organization and some struggles with families. People have big opinions about the public school system and while we are making every single decision based on the information we have (and often can't share with the public), it still hurts when people put their thoughts out there on social media without knowing the full story -- which unfortunately stirs up discourse and division. I had to learn to prioritize what I could control and what I could not control. Other people's opinions, words, and actions fell into the latter category, so I had to let them go. I also had to take a step back in my personal life. I had to decide what I was going to give my energy to and what I was not able to give my energy to at the time. With a daughter in high school, one in junior high, and one in elementary -- the parenting game is challenging at times. There were some moments over the last five months where I had to recognize that while I would love to help everyone (I am an Enneagram 2, after all -- "the helper"), I had to take a step back from some situations and focus on my own family. There are seasons in life where we can be on the front lines of standing in the gap for others, helping them to reflect on their own situations and make changes, and growing together through mutual accountability. And there are seasons of solidarity in life. Seasons where the whole goal is to pray for others and keep our little families moving in the right direction...closer to Jesus and closer to each other. I've had to accept the fact that this season is where I am right now. Finally, God is so good. Throughout this season of having some extra duties at work, chasing three busy girls, and trying to sustain healthy relationships, I have seen the hand of God at work every day. My family, friends, and colleagues have picked up the slack where I have been lacking. They have prayed for me and served alongside me tirelessly and for that I am so grateful. Because my morning routine habit is so automatic at this point, my Bible time has continued through all the craziness. God has revealed so much and offered me so much peace through this practice and I am thankful He had prepared me ahead-of-time by challenging me with my habit-building. Looking back, I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to serve in this double-capacity over the last five months. And I am so grateful to hand it over to someone else on Monday. Thanking God & simplifying here on this rainy Saturday morning here at the farmhouse, Hannah ❤️🏡❤️ Yesterday, I had a day of shopping with my mom and two of my sisters-in-law. On the way home, we stopped for coffee. Last night, we had a family Christmas and didn't get home until past 11:00 p.m. I got the girls to sleep and fell asleep myself around midnight...and was awakened by a five-year-old needing a drink about 3:00. The caffeine from the coffee must have kicked in about that time because it's now 6:00 a.m. and I haven't been back to sleep. Finally about 5:00, I decided to go ahead and get up and get the day started. I've been dreaming about 2020 ever since. Each year, about this time, I start to put together some goals and dreams for the new year. I used to be someone who came up with these elaborate plans for January 1st and crashed & burned by about January 5th. Over the last few years, however, I've really begun to focus on implementing some simple daily habits that will help me to make my long-term vision a reality.
Build a home my girls will look back on with fond memories. Build relationships with others that will lead to mutual growth. Build each other up. Continue to build a healthy marriage. I didn't set too many specific goals in these areas yet. I just took the time to write out some of my hopes & dreams for 2020. Some of the items on my list include projects, like creating a "quiet time" area in my office and making an action plan every month to mark off some of my "procrastination tasks". Some are daily habits -- working out every day, drinking enough water, planning healthy meals for my family, and reading my Bible & journaling my prayers. Some are just goals -- sending more personal cards via snail mail and being intentional in everything I purchase for our home. Are you ready to dream for 2020? This is the first step in building the life you want over the next twelve months. Feel free to download your own worksheet below and take some time to brainstorm today! ![]()
Up early, dreaming about the future here at the farmhouse,
Hannah ❤️🏡❤️ The Saturday before the new year. Historically, this is the day where I lay out my vision and goals for the year to come. I officially decide on my "word for the year" and start to build some specific goals around that word. The last three years, my words (phrases) have been "simplify", "be intentional", and "be present". This year, I've had four words that keep coming up as possibilities.. Gratitude. Grow. Joy. These are all wonderful words. They encompass all that I want for myself and my family. And as I have written these goals out on paper and dreamed about what my life will look like in December of 2019, one year from now, I am realizing that all of my goals revolve around inspiring others to live their best lives.
So...I think that's it. My 2019 Word of the Year...Inspire. Setting goals and making plans at the farmhouse on this final Saturday of 2018, Hannah ❤️🏡❤️ |
July 2024