Every single Sunday, I find myself worrying that people think I'm texting or checking my Facebook during the sermon. Granted, I do reply to a text message here and there. But usually, I am looking up the scripture that Brother Matt is referencing or taking notes on my phone. I started taking notes on Google Docs in January of 2017 and it has been amazing.
Brother Matt is in the middle of a sermon series entitled "Second Chances" right now. He preached his first message on Easter. It was amazing. You can check it out here. Today was week 2. The message was from Acts, Chapter 2. Acts Chapter 2 was after... Palm Sunday, the betrayal in the garden, Christ's crucifixion, His resurrections, and 40 days of traveling and teaching. In Acts 2:38, we read these words that Peter had said when the people asked him what they needed to do to make Jesus Lord. "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." I grew up in the Church. I can't even tell you how many times I have read that passage or heard that passage read aloud during a sermon or Bible study. And yet today...I got a fresh perspective on it. Repent means I'm turning AWAY from my sin. Baptism is when I'm turning TO God. When we choose to leave behind those behaviors that are not pleasing to Him, we choose to leave behind those feelings of guilt and remorse. The feelings of not being good enough. The feeling that we are "broken by our own mistakes" (good words, Brother Matt!). We choose to turn towards Jesus and the feeling of hope that He brings. So we stop repeating our bad behaviors, turn towards Jesus, and He sends us the Holy Spirit to help us to keep ourselves out of the situations we have been in for so long. It's like a lightbulb popped on for me. So I took notes and journaled about it this afternoon.
Sometimes, my pages are a lot more detailed. But today, this was fine. Turn away from sin. Turn to God. The stain will be removed and a Helper will be sent to you. True story. If you enjoy art and would like a creative way to connect with God's Word, I would recommend the art of Bible journaling. Happy Sunday from the Farmhouse, friends.
Stay warm. ❤️🏡❤️
Last week, I wrote about my grandmother's time (for the last sixty years) as the organist for Adrian Christian Church.
This got me to reminiscing. I have so many memories in the church and one of my favorites is visiting with "the quilting ladies". For the first 25 years of my life (at least), there was a group of ladies who met every Tuesday to quilt in the basement of our old church that used to sit smack-dab in the middle of town. Before I was in school and in the summertime after I started school, I can remember going to the church with our grandmother and great-grandmother on quilting day. I can still hear the chatter of the quilting ladies and picture them sitting around working diligently on their masterpieces. I can picture so many special women who have gone on to see Jesus before us sitting around those quilts. When I think about these women, I think of patience... I think of attention to detail... I think of friendship. When I think about these women, I can see in my mind some of my most precious spiritual mentors through my young adult life... I can hear their laughter as they shared stories of the good ol' days... I can still smell the food they brought to share a meal together each week. Looking back, I realize how much I learned just watching these ladies work...week-in and week-out. The quilting days of Adrian Christian Church have come to an end. But it just takes a second for me to close my eyes and be transported back to that church basement, back to a simpler time...spending time with some of the most wonderful ladies I was ever privileged to meet. What a sweet, sweet memory. ❤️🏡❤️
December 31, 2017 marked the ending of an era in our little town.
My grandma played her final song as the church organist. She has played the organ at Adrian Christian Church for my whole life.
In fact, the first wedding she played for was for her cousin Ed & his wife, Darlene. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this year.
My parents reminded me that when my brother and I were preschool age, we would sometimes go sit at the funeral home on the couch in the piano room while Grandma played for a service. We must have been pretty good kids, because I cannot imagine having my sweet three-year-old Mattie-girl sitting in the piano room during a funeral! I can remember Grandma practicing her hymns on the piano in their dining room and the organ that set in their bedroom. I can remember sitting on the front row on the organ side while Grandma played for the church service every single Sunday for years and years. Actually...that's still where we sit. And from now on...she will sit there too. Surrounded by her children, by her grandchildren, and her great-grandchildren. Surrounded by some of her dearest friends from Sunday school class for the last five decades, or more. Surrounded by church family...young and not-so-young, new friends and old friends, meeting every week to worship the One who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. If you have any memories to share of Grandma's organ playing years, we would love to compile them for her. If she played for your wedding, for a funeral of a dear loved one, for your Sunday school class, to accompany you for some sort of special music...please share these stories so we can share them with her. ❤️⛪️??❤️ I have been using the YouVersion Bible app (by Life.Church) for quite some time now. For six years, in fact. However, it was just over the last few months that I have begun making it one of the social media platforms I use to share my Bible study experience with friends and family. And just in the last three weeks have I become friends with two of the most wonderful little girls you will ever meet...my oldest two daughters.
To be honest, I thought this would be a fun little activity that we could do to spend some time with Jesus and have good conversation about the Bible. I wasn't prepared for the deep thoughts the girls would share on our shared Bible studies. After reading her devotional, along with a few scriptures from Hebrews and Romans, my sweet Harlee replied profoundly that faith and trust in God is what makes life worth living.
Wow...what a thought for my barely 11-year-old. And a wake-up call for her mama. Since that day, I have taken my Bible study time with her (and her sister) very seriously. God has used these words to speak to all of us... To open up conversations on our Bible apps and in person... To be able to have these teachable conversations through our day-to-day living. If you are struggling with how to talk to your children, preteens, and teenagers about God's Word and Kingdom Work, I'd strongly recommend meeting your kiddos where they are. Let's embrace the technology that is so prevalent today and connect with our kids on the matters of God. Happy Weekend from the farmhouse, friends. ❤️🏡❤️ Last night, we finished our fourth night of Vacation Bible School 2017. I am tired. We all are. There's no tired like "VBS week" tired. We used the Maker Fun Factory curriculum from Group Publishing. We learned a Bible point each day.
1. God made me. I was built for a purpose. This Bible point goes hand-in-hand with the current book I'm reading, Love Does, by Bob Goff. In his book, Goff talks about the creative whimsy of Christ. He talks about how God pursues us daily through things that happen, places we go, and people we meet. God created each one of us with specific interests and unique talents to be Kingdom Workers. He puts us in certain places with our unique talents and desires for a reason. We just need to listen and act. 2. God is for me. If God is for us, who can be against us? I am an overthinker. So many times, I find myself worrying or stewing or just overthinking about certain situations. The Bible tells us that there is no reason to worry or fret. If God is for us, no enemy can come against us. If we feel insecure, or afraid, or unqualified...we only need to remember that He is for us. 3. God is always with me. We are not alone. Joshua 1:9 tells us that "God is with us wherever we go." And He is. Even in the depths of our despair and sorrow. In the midst of anxiety and insecurities. When we are feeling lost and alone. He is with us. He will carry us. He will hold us. God is always with us. 4. God made me for a reason. God has a plan for our lives. Like I mentioned earlier, God's plan for my life is very specific to me. His plan for your life is specific to you. He knows the number of hairs on my head. And the number of hairs on Mr. Farmhouse's head. And each of our three girls. He keeps the earth spinning perfectly on its axis. He controls so many things on this earth and in the galaxies beyond ours. And yet, He is able and ready to work in our lives. He is able and ready to give us opportunities to see His hands work like nothing we have ever seen. God built us for a purpose. He is for us. He is not against us. God is always with us. Sometimes, I feel like once we outgrow that childlike faith that the Bible talks about, we have a hard time remembering these simple truths. Maybe it's time we take a step back from "adulting" and get back to the basics. I once was lost, but now am found. Count your blessings. Trust and obey. God is still God. And He is ready to work. All we have to do is let him. |
July 2024