You might have noticed that I've added a new tab to the blog called "freebies". I've decided to feature one freebie a week over on my Instagram page. The printable documents you'll find on the freebie page will range from home management to parenting, from marriage to wall art. I'm just hoping to share some of the tools that I use in my day-to-day life with you all, so be watching for that on Fridays! Today, I want to showcase a printable I shared a few weeks ago and give a little background as to how it has been helping our family!
We just weren't great at managing all of the ideas and projects we had for our property. We moved into the farmhouse in summer of 2017 and immediately completed some of our big projects. We added a bathroom upstairs, tore down an old barn on the property, and made some minor cosmetic changes to the house, in the first few weeks that we owned the house. And was time for the school year to start. Every once in a while through the school year, we would find time over a weekend or a break to complete a project or two. However, for every bit of progress we made, we ended up adding three or four new projects to our "to do" list. There was never a time that we felt we had done EVERYthing we needed to do to get the property how we wanted it to be! Looking back at pictures of what our property looked like back in the 40s, 70s, and even the 90s...I always felt a little ashamed that we could not figure out how to get the whole place the way we wanted for it to be. Over each summer, when the girls and I were off school, we would try hard to knock out some big projects...but like I said before, we would add several NEW tasks to the list, as we worked through other items. Fast-forward to 2020. Due to COVID-19, the girls and I had been doing school and working from home for a few months, so we had been able to get some decluttering & organizing projects complete. However, Mr. Farmhouse was still working, so some of the bigger projects were still on the back burner -- until May, that is.
Because several people around our house had some storm damage, Mr. Farmhouse drove home on his lunch break to check our place. He called me as he was driving up to the property and said, "You'd better come on home." One of our barns was blown completely over (as you can see in the photos below). By the end of the insurance inspection, we needed a new roof on the house, new guttering, a new barn, a new carport, a new roof on another one of the sheds, a new swing set, a new basketball goal, and some other items that were broken in the storm. Sidenote: We feel so very blessed to say that nobody was hurt on our property during this storm. We know that buildings and belongings can be replaced and we are grateful that our most challenging part of this project was cleaning up and rebuilding. The night of the storm, we began cleaning up and continued through the next few weeks, during our free time. Parts of our barn were found a few miles away. The girls' playhouse was in pieces all up and down our road. In fact, we found one of the chairs that was inside the playhouse up IN a tree. Storms are crazy. We made steady progress cleaning up from the storm, but honestly -- we were not moving as quickly as I would have hoped and of course, the rebuilding tasks were in addition to the "house projects" list we had started in 2017. And then came the dreaded q-word -- quarantine. We were exposed to COVID-19 and had to stay home for fourteen full days...all of us. It was in the heat of July and we decided to use our time together in a productive way. We started knocking out unfinished projects left and right. We built a loft playhouse for the girls. We cleaned out the old barn. We did all of the dirt work for the new garage we were getting ready to build. And now...eight months later, we are still making progress. So how did we do it? And could our method work for YOUR family? I think so. On the very first day of quarantine, we sat down together and made a list of every single project that we needed to accomplish at the farmhouse -- big and small. Then we chose what projects we thought we could get finished on Day 1. We worked through the day and enjoyed our evenings together -- with bonfires, movie nights, and softball games in the yard. We repeated this process for the fourteen days of quarantine and at the end of the two weeks, it was crazy what we had accomplished. After we completed so many projects in fourteen days, it really inspired us to continue this journey even when we went back to work. This is when the four-week plan was born. Instead of meeting every morning to plan our days out, we started adding this conversation into our Sunday night family meetings. At the beginning of each month, we would use our "four-week plan" worksheet to fill in some goals for the next four weeks. Then we would try to accomplish these items during our free time. The next Sunday night, we would revisit and revise our list for the upcoming week. This process served us well over the last six months and we've continued to mark larger tasks off of our lists. A few months ago, right after Christmas, Mr. Farmhouse and I decided that we should probably refinance the house soon. We talked to our lender and decided that we would try to prepare for an appraisal over my spring break in mid-March. This decision meant that we wanted to kick our four-week plan concept into high gear over the next few months. We filled out a four-week plan sheet with every space in the house that we wanted to focus on and then we listed all the tasks we needed to complete in those spaces on a "detailed plans" page. You can find an editable version of this form on my Freebies page or HERE.
If you are like us -- naturally DISorganized and in need of a checklist to work through projects, grab this free printable and start your four-week plan this weekend!
Working hard at the farmhouse, Hannah ❤️🏡❤️
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July 2024